I will never forget the teary moment I got down on my knees and told God:

“I cannot go another day without being creative.”

At the time I was working full-time as a pharmacist, a job I had pursued for its financial stability.

But instead of feeling stable I was suffocating.

As a young girl, I had pursued dancing, acting and modeling with great joy.

Maybe as part of my artist’s spirit, I was deeply attuned to the presence of God all around me from a young age. I knew that any talent I possessed was from Him and I grew to feel called by Jesus to glorify him as a dancer, actress, model and designer.

So why was I hiding away behind closed doors feeling anxious and frustrated by my life instead of shining on a stage for Jesus?

God had given me a vision of a future as an actress with a platform to inspire and encourage others, but in college, I chose to sacrifice that dream for what felt like the safer route.

I told myself that I could always make time for my creative pursuits on the side while working in pharmacy.  I spent years trying to squeeze auditions into the confines of working full-time. On top of that, I choreographed dance numbers on the weekends for my church. I scrambled to make it all fit together, but sometimes I had to give up screen parts because I couldn’t commit to the shooting schedule.

Add in a marriage and a baby and soon the time for my life as an actress was co-opted by all of life’s other demands.

But life without creativity was not working for me.

I was miserable and suffering from debilitating anxiety, and I was inflicting my misery onto everyone around me.

God created me with certain gifts and talents. Now I understand that I could never be fulfilled until I was daily putting into practice the gifts God had written into the very fabric of my being.

God answered my desperate plea for creativity with exactly what I needed.

My coaching time with Tiffany was like a breath of fresh air! I came into the session with a degree of uncertainty, and left with a solid plan of action. Tiffany is a kind, generous, and caring coach with a passion for helping and supporting you as a client that shines through brilliantly. I highly recommend her as a coach.
— Mary Comm, Uncommon Love Ministries


My hours were cut at work.

It was not the answer I was looking for, but it turned out to be the space I needed to give myself back to being the person God created me to be.

To pour my heart into God-sized dreams full of dance and designs.

 Now I am not just choreographing a dance, but a whole life around being Oh So Tiffany.

Because I believe that I could never be fulfilled by being anyone but Oh So Tiffany, I have a passion to help other frustrated Christian women discover their Oh So Beautiful Lives, so Oh So You Coaching was birthed.

I know what it’s like to love Jesus with all your heart and to want so desperately to serve Him with the talents and passions He has placed deep inside your soul.

We bring light and life to the world when we live out the gifts God has given to us.

Now I am shining my light into the world by helping others to realize their untapped potential, a process that excites me so much that I jumped headfirst into my training to be a professional life coach.

In many ways, I believe I have actually been “coaching” my entire life. I get goosebumps when God gives me an opportunity to inspire those around me.  I love answering the emails in my inbox from women who are worn out from the anxiety crippling their lives - to let them know that their is hope and peace is possible. My story has become my calling.

Training and credentials obtained through Christian Coach Institute

At some point I think we all should have a moment where we genuinely realize that there’s more to life than school, paying bills, taking care of our families, etc. That’s exactly where I was when I started searching for a coach who could help hold me accountable. I also wanted a coach who would encourage me on my journey as well as challenge when needed. That’s when I found Oh So You Coaching. Since starting coaching sessions with Tiffany I’ve been encouraged, inspired, and challenged to step into what God has planned for me. The program I chose was Life Re(defined) and I’m currently on month two. I started our sessions thinking I wanted to pursue one career path but gained more clarity during the coaching sessions and realized what I should pursue instead. Her listening ear has been invaluable on my journey and will prove to be monumental in the coming months. I highly recommend Tiffany as a coach as she truly cares about her clients and always offers friendly but firm accountability.
— Laquita M.

That calling has grown into a highly successful coaching business that allows me the opportunity to coach women out of complacency & into lives they absolutely love!

my story picture (website).jpg

I help women create harmony in their lives by living in tune with:

Their design.

Their desires.

And their destiny.

A life free from anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.  

A life filled with peace, purpose, and passion.

What I’ve learned is that anxiety and creativity often go Hand in Hand.

What I've learned from years of research and diving more into the complex area of anxiety is that it is a commonality among creative individuals.

Anxiety is proof that you are a creative genius with greatness on the inside that is dying to get out.

Maybe you are anxious over the uncomfortable season in which you find yourself.

Maybe you are lacking clarity.

Maybe you don't know exactly what you were put here to do?

Maybe you have no idea why you're so anxious. You just know you can't go another day living in torment and turmoil.

I want you to know that even from this anxious place, you can grow your life into one that bears much peace. It is possible sweet friend and I am here to help you make it a reality. I am here to go to battle with you and combat the anxiety and stress that is threatening your well-being and peace. So that you can discover and live in your purpose.

I am living out the words to a phrase I wrote down years ago when I was in the thick of anxiety.

It has become my life story and the basis of how I show up in my life every day.

Tell your story ~ live your passion ~ change your world

To learn more about Dr. Tiffany or to request Dr. Tiffany to speak at your next event click here.



Get to Know more about me and my story in this brief, but in depth interview!